Tuesday is Hillary's night. Mark Warner will keynote. Other big names include Deval Patrick and Bob Casey.
Tuesday, August 26 2008: Renewing America's Promise
Hour #1 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (LOCAL)
Call to Order
The Honorable Shirley Franklin
Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia
Reverend Cynthia Hale
Disciples of Christ - Decatur, Georgia
Presentation of Colors
The American GI Forum
Mile High Chapter, Colorado
Congressionally chartered Mexican-American veterans & civil rights organization
Pledge of Allegiance
Koby Langley
From Fort Mead, Maryland, he received the Bronze Star for leadership in the US Army
Credited with design & implementation of 1st Foreign Torts Claims Policy Act - Iraq
National Anthem
Rocky Mountain Children's Choir
A multicultural, multiracial choir committed to forming community around music
The Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton
Non-voting Member of the US House of Representatives, District of Columbia
Ted Sorenson
Special Counsel, advisor and speechwriter to President John F. Kennedy
Researched and drafted Kennedy's "Profiles in Courage"
The Honorable Mike Honda
Member of the US House of Representatives, California
Dr. David Gipp
Member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
President - United Tribes Technical College
The Honorable Linda Sanchez
Member of the US House of Representatives, California
The Honorable Chet Culver
Governor of Iowa
The Honorable David Patterson
Governor of New York
The Honorable Patrick Leahy
US Senator, Vermont
Hour # 2 4:08 PM – 5:00 PM (LOCAL)
The Honorable Chris Van Hollen
Member of the US House of Representatives, Maryland
Cecile Richards
President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Daughter of the former Governor of Texas, The Honorable Ann Richards
Congressional Black Caucus
The Honorable Carolyn Kilpatrick
Member of the US House of Representatives, Michigan
The Honorable Charles Rangel
Member of the US House of Representatives, New York
The Honorable John Conyers
Member of the US House of Representatives, Michigan
The Honorable Bennie Thompson
Member of the US House of Representatives, Mississippi
Moment of Silence
Video – “In Memoriam”
The Honorable Dennis Kucinich
Member of the US House of Representatives, Ohio
The Honorable John Chiang
State Comptroller, California
The Honorable Jim Doyle
Governor of Wisconsin
The Honorable Ted Strickland
Governor of Ohio
DGA - Remarks
The Honorable Joe Manchin
Governor of West Virginia
Hour # 3 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (LOCAL)
US Senate Women
The Honorable Barbara Mikulski
US Senator, Maryland
The Honorable Barbara Boxer
US Senator, California
The Honorable Mary Landrieu
US Senator, Louisiana
The Honorable Blanche Lambert Lincoln
US Senator, Arizona
The Honorable Debbie Stabenow
US Senator, Michigan
The Honorable Maria Cantwell
US Senator, Washington State
The Honorable Claire McCaskill
US Senator, Missouri
The Honorable Amy Klobuchar
US Senator, Minnesota
The Honorable Ed Rendell
Governor of Pennsylvania
The Honorable Tammy Baldwin
Member of the US House of Representatives, Wisconsin
The Honorable Xavier Becerra
Member of the US House of Representatives, California
John Sweeney
President of the AFL-CIO
Robin Golden
Autoworker from Michigan scheduled to lose his job
Video - First Time Delegates: Renewing America's Promise
The Honorable Rahm Emanuel
Member of the US House of Representatives, Illinois
Live Performance
Alejandro Escovedo
Vocals & guitar
Hour # 4 6:01 PM – 7:00 PM (LOCAL)
The Honorable Steny Hoyer
Member of the US House of Representatives, Maryland
Democratic Majority Leader
Katherine Marcano
Cedar Rapids, Iowa flood victim
Anna Berger
Officer with SEIU & 1st Chair of America's newest labor federation, "Change to Win"
Pauline Beck
Homecare worker & member of SEIU from Oakland, California
The Honorable Janet Napolitano
Governor of Arizona
America’s Town Hall - Economy
Moderator: The Honorable Jennifer Granholm – Governor of Michigan
Panelists: Aimee Christensen, Jim Rogers, Jim Bauer, Jerome Ringo
Jim Whitaker
Republican Mayor of Fairbanks, Alaska
Pamela Cash-Roper
Unemployed nurse and lifelong Republican from North Carolina
The Honorable Nydia Velazquez
Member of the US House of Representatives, New York
Hour # 5 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (LOCAL)
The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius
Governor of Kansas
The Honorable Frederico Peña
Former Secretary of Energy and former Mayor of Denver, Colorado
Nancy Floyd
Founder of Nth Power – an energy technology investment firm in Portland, Oregon
The Honorable Robert Casey, Jr.
US Senator, Pennsylvania
Lily Ledbetter
Her actions against Goodyear Tire led to the passage of the Fair Pay Restoration Act
Keynote Speech
The Honorable Mark Warner
Governor of Virginia
Ret. Rear Admiral John Hutson
President, Franklin Pierce Law Center in Concord, New Hampshire
Lifelong Republican
The Honorable Deval Patrick
Governor of Massachusetts
Hour # 6 8:02 PM – 9:04 PM (LOCAL)
Gloria Craven
Laid-off North Carolina textile worker with huge medical bills
The Honorable Brian Schweitzer
Governor of Montana
Hillary Clinton Segment - Video/Remarks
The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton
US Senator, New York
Revs. Jin Ho Kang, Yoougsook Kang
Methodists - Aurora, Colorado
The Honorable Shirley Franklin
Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia