Sunday, March 09, 2008

Pennsylvania Gov Says Obama Good Vice President

pennsylvania governor ed rendell, a supporter of hillary clinton, said on meet the press this morning that obama would make a fine vice president.
we know this is a tactic aimed at those willing to vote for either candidate. the reasoning is, if clinton will put obama on the ticket, then why not vote for her. her hubby former prez bill is pushing this too.
tim russert, moderator news guy, asked if obama's acceptable for veep, can he be commander in chief?
rendell said he thinks obama's qualified to be commander in chief. just not as ready as clinton.
tim points out that rendell has said in the past that obama is not ready. nbc ran a clip, the one where clinton said she and mccain have experience and obama has a speech.
rendell answered that all campaigns have rhetoric.
sen. tom daschle says obama's not going to be vice president. he said that as first lady, clinton didn't gain experience as commander in chief.
daschle said obama has more years served than clinton.
daschle said obama offers more leadership than clinton.
he also said obama would consider clinton veep. i wouldn't want clinton as veep and i think daschle sold him out on this one.
rendell dismisses small state wins of obama, even though they add up to 29 vs. clinton's 13. he says that clinton won florida and michigan, even though obama didn't campaign there and wasn't on the ballot in michigan. that's what makes clinton icky.
rendell wants to revote florida and michigan. he said clinton wouldn't accept a caucus in michigan. he says older people can't vote because they can't get out of the house, neither can shift workers. so not only does clinton want a redo, she wants it her way. the ick factor again.
he said if clinton wins ohio, pennsylvania, texas, michigan, florida, then even if she doesn't have the popular vote, she should win. again, the bogus big states argument.
daschl says obama is turning out voters in states all over the country. he's won more states and obama can draw independents, republicans and democrats, he said.

maureen dowd, columnist for the nyt, says obama needs to get tough, that americans want to see that he's tough. she says the superdelegates need to see toughness.
i agree he needs to be tough but he shouldn't play by her rules.

there also seems to be more talk now among the talking heads, main stream pundits that obama or clinton as the nominee would be forced to take either for vice president.
obama to choose his own VP
Obama: the Un-Beholden President

Obama’s Pennsylvania Strategy
Bogus Big States Argument