Monday, March 10, 2008

Obama Needs to Choose Own Vice President

as the clintons continue to push the whole obama as vice president thing, trying to create the illusion that clinton is more presidential, that people should vote for her because she'll put obama as no. 2, it's not something i'm falling for and it's part of what makes clinton icky. but i wonder if it's working on those folks who think that a clinton/obama ticket is the "dream ticket." Ha!

first, obama is ahead of clinton by all measures and he's beating her without stooping. step aside clinton.

this is one thing obama needs to counter. tom daschle tried to do it on meet the press yesterday, saying that obama might consider clinton as a veep. for one, obama can do better than that. and two, it just came over wishy washy. (his words looks better in print) obama needs to choose his own vice president.

in fact, i have decided, if clinton wins the nomination, (which means she's likely to have cheated)then i won't vote or i may consider john mccain. i'm not a democrat or an independent or a green party. i support obama. i don't care about the "party," or being loyal to democrats. i'm loyal to obama.

Obama: the Un-Beholden President
Bogus Big States Argument
Obama’s Pennsylvania Strategy
Superdelegates, Superdelegates, Superdelegates
General Election Map and Calculator