Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Obama is See Through for Many

i'm always amazed when i see responses to a thoughtful article written about obama that slams the author and obama. i see him plain as day just as he says, the only person for these times. i see someone who cares deeply about the poor, who is a brilliant thinker, who has great ideas, who's run his campaign like no other, who has the power to rally people together, who is fair, he's as informed on foreign policy as he is on the economy, who is a powerful human being who has come at a crucial time in our history.

yet others can't see that and i wonder why. they don't even see a glimpse of it. take alice walker's latest story about obama in the guardian. many of the comments on the article make me wonder how they see what they see. my first reaction is to think that they're uneducated. certainly, many can't spell. there is no spellcheck for comments. and certainly, we really do need a better education system that teaches critical thinking skills. more than likely, they support another candidate, clinton or mccain. but why the explicit hatred?

their attacks seem so contrary to the obvious, that obama is the only person to bring change. have we become so cynical that when something good comes along that we can't see it?

or am i deluded? i ask myself that often. i look at the evidence and it seems overwhelmingly apparent that obama is something extraordinary. the clintons seem like the same old thing, the same old dirty politics. sometimes i think obama shouldn't win because we're not there yet as a culture. we seem to need to suffer some more, like an alcoholic who needs to "hit bottom" before he actually starts to change.