Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rick Santorum Pastor Knocks Everyone Who Isn't Christian

The "pastor" who introduced Rick Santorum at an event knocked all non-Christians and told us to get out, which doesn't strike me as very Christian like. He also slammed gay people and liberals. Liberals? Really? I'm so weary of religious people. It's ironic to me because religious people are supposed to be moral and kind. But many, especially evangelicals, are just sanctimonious and judge-y. Instead of practicing their faith, they inflict it. Religion is supposed to be an action.
To think republicans were in an uproar about Jeremiah Wright. At least he was speaking out against bigotry. While this guy is just being a bigot. Religion no longer equals morality.

This is one dangerous fellow:

If there is a god, I'm sure he has better things to do than care about American politics. Petty people.