Wednesday, September 01, 2010

McCain's Urge to Surge One More Time

John McCain gets another opportunity to say "surge."
We wouldn't have needed a surge if we didn't invade a country that we shouldn't have invaded, 4,000 and some troop deaths later and tens of thousands Iraqi civilians, many of them women and children, dead. McCain likes to say surge, surge, surge, but something else besides the surge could've worked as well. But we'll never know. And did anything really work? We just wreaked more havoc in the region. We need to offer non-military assistance.
Unless we're attacked, we should not be invading countries.
This is what we'll get if we elect a republican president -- more war. War, war, war. Intense war. War on new nations. I don't mind the republican stance on fiscal policy. I get it. But in volatile times like these, a republican president, could have serious consequences. Republicans aren't into diplomacy.