Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Romney Didn't Bounce Back He Was Heaved

About 40% of voters said ads mattered. Romney ran 12,768 ads vs. Newt's 210, thanks to fearful republicans pumping money into superpacs to support Mitt. Romney didn't bounce back he was bought back.
In the last week before the Florida primary, that money was largely used to fuel attack ads targeting Romney's GOP rival Newt Gingrich. Ninety-two percent of the ads aired against Gingrich were negative, according to The Houston Chronicle. 
Restore Our Future, Romney's campaign and other Romney allies combined spent $15.3 million to air 12,768 ads, outspending Gingrich and his supporting super PAC Winning Our Future by $12 million on ads. Gingrich aired 210 ads in Florida, according to a Wesleyan Media Project study. 
The money spent by Romney and his supporters was effective in turning the outcome of the Florida in his favor. Forty percent of Republican voters in Florida said they were influenced in their voting by the ads against Gingrich, reported the Houston Chronicle. Mass Live