Thursday, February 09, 2012

Republicans Let Their Hair Down at CPAC

What an utterly despicable and immature thing for conservative pundit Cal Thomas to say. Conservatives say things that other people wouldn't dream of saying in public and yet they call themselves Christians. Live streaming republican blather at CPAC.

Mitch McConnell, who calls liberals "thugs," says conservatives are more fun than liberals because conservatives are always right. And therein lies the problem. McConnell, believe it or not, is the Senate minority leader. He's supposed to be a grownup. These guys always talk as if Obama rubber stamped and invented Occupy Wall Street, when that never happened. In fact, OWS isn't political. All this is coming from the guy who said the nation's top priority was making Obama a one-term president.

If you've ever wondered what a conservative comedian sounds like, here you go: