Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama Get in the Mud With the Pigs

We won't mind.
The out of control lying on behalf of the Palin-McCain campaign cannot be beat without some fierce mudslinging. Or can it? I'm on the fence on this one.
Here's someone who's not:
The Root: This is not a civics seminar; it's a knife fight, and the McCain camp is bringing automatic rifles.

Right now it is not about the American people getting it. It is about Obama getting it. He's getting hit over the head with a baseball bat and looking like he wants to file an amicus brief about it.

It would be silly to count out the Obama strategists; they have defied every prediction and surpassed every expectation thus far. But watching the Obama response to the Sarah Palin frenzy, conjures up sad images of John Kerry, Al Gore, or, dare we say it, Michael Dukakis.

Once again, we have Democratic dignity on display. They are taking the high road, constantly acknowledging John McCain's honorable service to the nation and saying that Sarah Palin is a tough and talented politician.

Meanwhile, on the low road and on their high horse, Republicans are making minced moose meat out of Obama. In 30 brutal minutes during the Republican Convention last week, Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin took Obama's anti-elitist, street cred and turned it against him.