Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Media Pushes Risky Obama

Juan Williams, a pundit biased against Obama, was just on NPR talking about how many white people are uncomfortable with Obama's color. Newsflash: a risky poll out today. So many of the stories for the past couple of weeks have focused on Obama's riskiness. He's a risky guy, that Obama guy. Risky, Risky, Risky. 

John McCain's strategy, laser targeted at old white men, same as Hillary's strategy, to make Obama the Other, is working in that the media can't stop talking about why Obama is risky -- he's skinny, he's uppity, he's arrogant, he's a celebrity, he's young. He's black. Black. Black. Black.

I know that the republicans are playing on the fears of the folks who live in the Appalachian regions and they may know they're being played. They just need a good excuse not to vote for the black man. Too skinny, they'll take it. Too much schooling. Yes, you can't have a smart man in the White House. 

But I don't think Obama is going to get their vote no matter what he does. He could give them all $1,000 and they'd turn up their noses. 

I'm not sure Obama's going to need that vote and I think their numbers are over estimated. I also think there are plenty of old white people who WILL vote for Obama (and there are old white people who aren't racist who will vote for McCain and that's respectable).

But this year is the year the youth voter will tip the election in Obama's favor. Not many in the press are talking about this because in the past, the youth talked a big game but never made it to the polls. This time is different because they are actively involved in the campaign. They are invested. 

Frankly, I'm tired of writing about the old white people who won't vote for Obama because he's black, so I think I'll stop. 

More than anything, it's getting BORING. It also deflects the light away from McCain, who is lamer than lame, even by republican standards, and getting a free ride. 

This story wraps it all up:
RCP: Some of my Chicago friends who support Sen. Barack Obama already are speaking as if his victory is a done deal. I hate to burst their bubbles, but a nagging question still haunts Obama euphoria: Why isn't he further ahead in the polls?

After all, they gush, his superbly managed campaign of "hope" and "change" seems to be humming along, as strong as the euro against the dollar. The popularity of his rival Sen. John McCain's Republican brand is as weak as a subprime mortgage.

A CBS poll today shows some interesting results:
Working class whites (white voters with incomes less than $50K and without
a college degree) are now backing Obama – a reversal from last month.
George W. Bush won this group in both 2004 and 2000.

However, when income and education are isolated the results are a bit
different. Whites with incomes under $50K (regardless of education) back
Obama, while whites without a college degree (regardless of income) give
the edge to McCain.