Sunday, August 03, 2008

McCain and the Republican Race Baiters

Bob Herbert takes McCain to task. McCain should be ripped apart for exploiting race, trying to appeal to the "white working class" by painting Obama as scary.

People who are racist shouldn't be coddled. They should be shunned. Unfortunately, we still have a strong undercurrent of racism in this country and exploiting it, strangely enough, has politically advanced McCain, or so says the media. I guess we'll see how politically advanced he is in November.

Paul Krugman put it like this a year ago:
I thought I was quite clear: the leadership doesn’t care about race, but uses it to win elections; it’s the base that cares.

So not only are racists despicable people, they are being used as pawns, so that makes them stupid, too.

McCain no longer garners any respect here. McCain officially is a low-minded panderer. A Grumpy one, too. The lower he goes, the more Obama supporters get in gear.
NYT: Gee, I wonder why, if you have a black man running for high public office — say, Barack Obama or Harold Ford — the opposition feels compelled to run low-life political ads featuring tacky, sexually provocative white women who have no connection whatsoever to the black male candidates.

Spare me any more drivel about the high-mindedness of John McCain. You knew something was up back in March when, in his first ad of the general campaign, Mr. McCain had himself touted as “the American president Americans have been waiting for.”

There was nothing subtle about that attempt to position Senator Obama as the Other, a candidate who might technically be American but who remained in some sense foreign, not sufficiently patriotic and certainly not one of us — the “us” being the genuine red-white-and-blue Americans who the ad was aimed at.

Since then, Senator McCain has only upped the ante, smearing Mr. Obama every which way from sundown. On Wednesday, The Washington Post ran an extraordinary front-page article that began: