Thursday, April 12, 2012

Romney Backer Slams Obama's Charitable Donations

Romney backer, John Sununu, slams Obama's charitable donations, even though Romney and Obama both gave the same percent of their income, which, as I keep repeating, proves that republicans know nothing of Obama's record. They only know the Obama they invented.
And going after someone's charitable donations is pretty low and lame.
Obama was a community organizer. The Obama family always speak about volunteering and service to community, and they volunteer. It's the Obama White House that created There isn't anyone who would believe that Obama doesn't care about the needy.
Republicans spend most of their time saying just that -- that Obama wants to take rich people's money and give it to the poor. Republicans aren't going to be able to fight Obama because they don't know who he is or what his record is. Too much propaganda has been accepted as reality.