Monday, January 04, 2010

Obamas Spent the Last Day in Hawaii at the Zoo

The Obamas will touch down in DC this afternoon after an overnight flight. The media is reporting that Obama has a full plate upon his return. He had a full plate while he was in Hawaii and he had a full plate when he left. As long as Obama is president, he's going to have a full plate.
See the Obamas Hawaii departure video here.
On the last day of his Hawaiian vacation, President Barack Obama declared that he did not want to go home.

Asked during an after-hours tour of the Honolulu Zoo if he was ready to head back to Washington, Obama and his family replied in unison: "No!"

"Let's stay," first lady Michelle Obama joked to reporters. "We'll all stay. Are we all in? I'm trying to mount a coup."

The president spent some of the final hours of his 11-day trip at the zoo, on the golf course and visiting the cemetery where his grandfather is buried.

Obama's Sunday began in the way he started each of his vacation days: at the gym. Afterward, he played 18 holes on the Marine Corps Base Hawaii's Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course with his friends Marty Nesbitt of Chicago and Bobby Titcomb and Mike Ramos of Hawaii.

Obama's motorcade then headed to the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Punchbowl, where he spent about 10 minutes before heading over to the zoo to meet up with his wife and daughters, Sasha, 8, and Malia, 11. More at Politico
Obama also visited his grandfather's grave:
However, Obama's presidential motorcade did take a trip to the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Punchbowl yesterday.

The ashes of Obama's grandfather, Stanley Dunham — a sergeant in Gen. George Patton's 7th Army in Europe — are in Court 1, Wall B, beneath a bronze plaque that honors the tall, silver-haired man Obama called "Gramps." HI