Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tea Partier Supports Sarah Palin Jim DeMint Ticket

Good golly, I can't think of anything more frightening.
We have to work on educating the next generation. Tea Partiers Everett Wilkinson and Allen Olson respond to Chris Mathews on climate change and the Iraq war.
For the record, I never supported the war in Iraq. Not on 9-12-2001 and not after Bush used weapons of mass destruction to sway people. I never for one teeny tiny minute fell for it.
It's difficult to understand tea partiers but I think first and foremost, they are motivated by fear. They're fearful of god, education, things they don't know, things they don't understand, things that are outside of what Beck calls their "white culture." They have a narrow view of patriotism. They're fearful of government. Sarah Palin doesn't offend them because they don't believe government is even necessary. Another thing, intellectualism is viewed by the tea partiers as a negative. I also think many of them are inclined to believe that the end is year. When you believe rapture is coming, your priorities are different.