Thursday, September 03, 2009

We Are Screwed

After seeing Jake Tapper's report on people angry about Obama's speech to school children, it's clear that the minority wingnuts rule this country. These people are outright thugs, carrying guns to town halls, comparing Obama to Hitler.
The racist rightwing is having all kinds of troubles coping with an Obama presidency. No matter what he does, the rightwing distorts it, lies about it, exaggerates. What's worse is the media reports it and validates the wingnuts.
When is the media going to wake up and realize that it's RACISM driving the rightwing. Hello! They have no legitimate complaints. If they did, they'd be speaking out like adults.
And what about the rest of us?
It appears that the racists are now the majority in this country. Do Limbaugh, Beck, and Hannity really rule? Where is the fairness and balance in the media? Why do we have to see racist wingnuts every single day, complaining about this and that? Why are their voices getting heard above everyone else's?