Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Billionaires for Wealthcare: Let's Save the Status Quo

Check out the "Billionaires for Wealthcare" pretending to be healthcare CEOs here. Tea baggers have embraced them as they've marched at tea parties. But whose side are they on? At first, I thought they were tea baggers mocking the argument for healthcare reform. But tea baggers aren't that smart.
We are not a political, religious or even particularly well-organized group. We're simple folk, thrilled profiteers pouring out of our corner offices to dance on the grave of "Change."
We'll do whatever it takes to ensure another decade where your pain is our gain. After all, when it comes to healthcare, if we ain't broke, why fix it?

The billionaires at work:

The reality. Why healthcare companies don't want you to be able to choose among insurance providers: