Monday, September 14, 2009

Brave Public Option Supporters Wade Through Ugly Tea Baggers

These are some courageous folks wading through the angry mob of tea baggers, and the guy leading the way does it with a smile on. Near the end it sounds like a tea bagger is baaaaaa-ing like a sheep:

Check out this video. Where do these people want to take their country back to? Why do they feel like it's only their country? As far as I can tell wingnuts are selfish people and I hate to say it, but many of them seem stupid too. Wingnut: "This is America. We don't have czars in America." Ha Ha Ha. You really have to watch the video. You will be astonished at the level of ignorance.
Anderson Cooper captures tea bagger in fantasyland. These guys keep denying racism, yet they're racist! Nutty.