Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sotomayor Answers Firefighter Case

It seems to me that a week's worth of hearings is a colossal waste of time and taxpayer money. I understand the need to question nominees, but Sotomayor keeps getting the same question over and over and most of the questioning seems to be for show. They could get this done in 2 days max and move on to priorities, such as healthcare. But we're learning that Sotomayor is smart, capable, even tempered and unflappable. She's going to make a great justice.

Sotomayor gets a question on whether people have the right to defend themselves in their home:

More on "wise Latina:" "My words failed. They didn't work," Sotomayor said. But the message of the speech was the same as what Samuel Alito tried to convey: