Sunday, July 12, 2009

McCain Says Palin Didn't Quit

Huh? McCain says he hasn't seen such sustained media attacks on anyone. Well, I guess he hasn't seen the comments at,,,,, where they're still saying Obama is a secret terrorist Muslim and yes, they've begun to attack the Obama children, even grandma Marian Robinson. They've always attacked Michelle.
The reality is Sarah Palin isn't so precious as she likes to think. Obama and his family have had more mud slung at them, even by Palin herself.
I admire her for quitting for family reasons and I understand Palin's appeal. She has a down to Earth quality.
But I'm tired of this Palin spin. She's a nasty person when she wants to be. She may be smart in a regard but she's highly uneducated in world affairs. She doesn't seem to have much interest in world affairs either. The presidency, in the modern age, calls for smarts of all kinds, especially international relations. These days a stupid president could get us wiped off the map.
The media keeps shoving Palin into the spotlight because they like to have a good bone to chew, but even republicans realize that she isn't presidential material. It's as if the republicans go along with the idea because the media keeps insisting she'll be a candidate in 2012. If she is, she'll be knocked out early on.
She never should've been asked to be vice president. A huge mistake, but McCain seems to have convinced himself otherwise. He still says she's qualified to be president.
McCain, McCain, McCain. My bet is on Tim Pawlenty for the republicans in 2012. He would be a smart nominee.