Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Warning To Democrats on Palin

Bob Herbert at the NYT says let's forget about Sarah Palin. We've got bigger fish to fry, or bigger moose to make into moose burgers. Palin will be on the charm offensive tomorrow night and she'll wow em even if they're not wowed. Palin is designed to be like the bludger in Quidditch. 
NYT: But the Democrats should not push this stuff too far. Ms. Palin is a lot more appealing personally than the often testy guy at the top of her ticket. And the inescapable reality is that there are millions of voters who identify with her, and may be quick to resent attacks that they perceive as bullying or overkill.

Here’s the deal: Palin is the latest G.O.P. distraction. She’s meant to shift attention away from the real issue of this campaign — the awful state of the nation after eight years of Republican rule. The Republicans are brilliant at distractions. Willie Horton was a distraction. The chatter about gays, guns and God has been a long-running distraction. And we all remember the Swift-boat campaign.

If you want a real issue, forget all of the above and revisit Monday’s front page of The New York Times. Hundreds of families are being forced out of their homes each month in Louisville, Ky., because of mortgage foreclosures. With record numbers of poor and homeless students, the public schools are struggling.

Herbert's right. Read his column! The McCain camp said as much today- they're aiming to win on personality. Distraction, distraction, distraction. Palin is a beautiful distraction.