Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Republicans Attended a Stoning

Republicans showed how ignorant, nasty, self righteous and classless they are. The democrats never even came close to the tone of the republicans tonight. They hate everybody who isn't them.

You'd think they were attending a stoning. They were so gleeful. To see them cheer and chant "Zero, Zero, Zero" was offensive and juvenile. They certainly didn't gain any votes, only sealed the deal with fellow haters. Maybe they even lost some votes. I'm hoping that not all republicans have such venom. 

These people have to be shown the exit and not in a nice way. They and their family values and self-righteousness need to be booted to Alaska. Why not? Alaskans hate government. Let them preach to each other in the frozen wilderness. Let them have all the babies they want. Let them drill for oil and then let them secede from the United States.

Mitt and Huckabee, then Rudy and the wicked Ms. Mooseburger --these are people who profess family values and Godly ways. Palin is Rush Limbaugh. No wonder he likes her so much. What was Rudy trying to prove with his Islamic terrorist talk? Which audience was he speaking to? These people sure know how to appeal to ignorance.  

Obama has been nothing but respectful to Palin. Biden too. Obama has always been respectful to McCain. But what the republicans launched tonight was nothing short of vicious. These people are dangerous. 

All I can say is tonight was Ms. Mooseburger's night, her last one in front of the choir. No more standing Os. She's left herself wide open.