Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama Keeps Focus on Economy

After Palin's interview, I think a reasonable person could conclude that the reasons Ms. Mooseburger was hired was to secure the conservative base and serve as a distraction from the fact that the republicans don't really have anything to offer the American people at this point in time. Perhaps, Ms. Mooseburger is even being exploited. 

Democrats are in an uproar -- using Ms. Mooseburger as a distraction is working perfectly. Or at least it looks that way.

Meanwhile, Obama is maintaining his focus on the economy. He's sticking to the plan, even though the media has gotten away from issues. Come Nov. 4, sticking to the issues that people care about might actually pay off. Go figure.

Senator Barack Obama
Remarks on Taxes
As Prepared For Delivery
Dover, New Hampshire
September 12, 2008

It’s great to be back in Dover. We made our first stop in New Hampshire over 19 months ago, and a lot has changed. There are babies walking and talking today who weren’t even born back then. But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed in those 19 months: the American people know this country is on the wrong track, and you know that we need new leadership in Washington.

The good news is that in 53 days, the name George Bush will not be on the ballot. But make no mistake: his policies will. A few weeks ago, John McCain said that the economy is “fundamentally strong,” and a few days later George Bush said the same thing. In fact, Senator McCain has said that we made “great progress economically” over the last eight years.

And here’s the thing. I think they truly believe it. After all, my opponent said just last night, "It's easy for me to go to Washington and frankly, be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have.” So from where he and George Bush sit, maybe they just can’t see. Maybe they are just that out of touch. But you know the truth, and so do I.

For eight years, we’ve failed to keep that American promise that if you work hard you can live your American Dream. Under the Bush economic policies that my opponent supported and promises to continue, the average family has seen their income drop by $2,000-a-year, while the cost of everything from gas to groceries has gone up. We have the highest unemployment rate in five years. Home values have plummeted. It’s harder to save and it’s harder to retire. Those are the day-to-day challenges that people have.

We can’t afford four more years of this so-called “progress.” We can’t afford another President who is so out of touch that he thinks the economy is strong and that change is doing the exact same thing as George Bush.

That’s what Senator McCain is offering. More of the discredited theory that if you shower benefits on big corporations, special interests and the wealthiest of the wealthy, it will all come trickling down to the middle class. Well, Dover, how much of that has trickled down to you? How much has trickled down to the Americans who have lost their jobs and their homes? How much has trickled down to the family that can’t afford to pay next month’s bills or the kids who can’t afford college? We’ve tried this for eight years, and we can’t afford to keep trying it for another four.

We can’t afford to keep spending $10 billion a month in Iraq while the Iraqi government sits on a surplus. We can’t afford more of the same addiction to oil. More of the same health care policy that only works for the healthy and wealthy. More of the same Washington lobbyists who run John McCain’s campaign. More of the same Bush-Rove-McCain politics that tries to distract you from policies that are destroying the middle class. Read the rest.