Sunday, September 21, 2008

McCain Thinks Americans Are Stupid

McCain counts on the stupidity of Americans while Obama is counting on their intelligence. Everywhere Obama goes, he says the American people are smart and won't get fooled again. Which America will win out?

McCain is hoping that his blatant lies won't penetrate the minds of Americans. He hired a walking lie -- Sarah Palin -- to act as if she's a smart energy expert, who is experienced in foreign policy because she can see Russia from Alaska. She said "Thanks but no thanks on that Bridge to Nowhere." Anyone who believes that is stupid, or shall we say misinformed or uninformed. There's too much information out there and we should ALL know better.

If you're going to vote for McCain, vote for the real McCain

McCain's camp is counting on the ignorance of racists (or those nervous that if they vote for a black man, he'll put a Big Black Agenda into place) to help lure voters his way, nudging them with ads that exploit race ever so subtley.

After the collapse of the financial markets, blame for which can be placed squarely on republican's economic philosophy -- give more to the most and hope that it trickles down -- free markets are best, they'll regulate themselves -- you'd think people would be taking a second look at Obama. We shall see.

McCain is counting on Americans not being able to connect the dots. Republican leadership = disaster, the near catastrophic economic and political conditions that we're facing now. McCain's counting on them not knowing his history with Phil Gramm and McCain's love of deregulation. McCain is counting on them never having heard him admit he's not up on economics. McCain believes that if he changes his campaign slogan, then people will believe that he's a change agent.

McCain is counting on people not knowing enough about lobbyists and how much they influence government or how his lobbyist adviser Randy Schuenemann lobbied on behalf of Georgia. He's counting on Americans equating good soldier with good leader. He's counting on them thinking that Obama is elitist while McCain, with 7, 8, or 9 houses, is not. He's counting on them not knowing that he wants to deregulate the health insurance industry like the banking sector. He's counting on them not having seen any YouTube videos, where McCain gets all hot headed, where McCain talks about how much he loves Bush, where he eats cake on his birthday with George, while people were stranded on rooftops in New Orleans. McCain's counting on people not knowing that he's always voted against clean energy and technology.

McCain hired Palin to connect with the "values voter" and the low information voter, the ones who wouldn't vote for a black man, the PUMAs, the ones who don't have enough information to make an informed decision, so they vote for the person who is like them. Palin hunts moose. I hunt duck. Palin has a pregnant teen. I have a pregnant teen. Palin believes in that the Iraq war -- fighting Islam -- is God's plan. I believe that Islam is bad, and isn't Obama a Muslim? Palin speaks with a down home charm about fightin' and fixin'. Hey, so do I. Palin's a hockey mom. I'm a soccer mom. Palin doesn't believe in abortion. Isn't Obama a live baby killer? Palin believes that children shouldn't read about gay people. I believe gay people are sinners. Palin is hot. I wish I was hot. Palin has some great red shoes. I'm going to get a pair of those great red shoes and the glasses to match. Palin is popular. I wish I was popular.

I'm sorry but after getting so much new information about Palin, you'd be a dummy not to recognize that she's clueless. Utterly clueless. McCain picked her to be second in command. What does this say about McCain? About what he thinks of Americans? But McCain's counting on Americans to be charmed. Sadly, women are being exploited by the republican party.

The smart republicans aren't fooled. They know Palin is a tool. They're mad at McCain because he's acting the fool, pretending to be someone he's not. He's pretending to be Obama. McCain even hired someone he thought was like Obama.

Meanwhile, Obama says Americans know better and they're hungry for change. Fingers crossed. 

McCain called unpresidential.