Sunday, September 14, 2008

Honor Comes With Honesty

That's what Claire McCaskill said about John McCain on This Week with George S.

McCain is a foolish man who has traded whatever ethics everyone said he had -- I never knew the supposed Maverick McCain -- to win this election. Who are these people who lie so easily then pretend like their lies don't matter?

It's clear what's happening here. The conservatives have come out once again to say that they're right and everybody else is a liberal, as if those were the only two groups on the entire planet. 

Who are these people? They're racist for one. They've been playing on conservative racial fears for as long as this election has been going on. If you didn't see the waffle mix that was a big hit at the "Values Voters Summit" click here. It was for sale at the values voters summit! Does anyone see the irony. It's outrageous. 

Look at the republican party. It's nearly all white. The GOP is the party of the white people.

They hate Mexicans, which is the reason they rabidly rail against immigration. 

The irony of it all is they claim to be "values voters." They claim they have values. Their values can be summed up by Rush Limbaugh: Guns, babies and Jesus. 

They preach a lot about Jesus but have no clue of what Jesus stood for. They have hijacked the Bible, interpreting it to serve their own purposes. Jesus didn't promote hate or guns. 

You'd think they'd care about lifting up the poor among us but they're of the bootstrap variety -- everyone should lift themselves and if you can't too bad for you. You'd think they'd care about education but education seems to be a liberal thing to do. Intellect is not a value they value. These people gave us George Bush.

Palin is one of these people. McCain chose her. McCain is no maverick.

Frank Rich: The racial component to this brand of politics was undisguised in St. Paul. Americans saw a virtually all-white audience yuk it up when Giuliani ridiculed Barack Obama’s “only in America” success as an affirmative-action fairy tale — and when he and Palin mocked Obama’s history as a community organizer in Chicago. Neither party has had so few black delegates (1.5 percent) in the 40 years since the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies started keeping a record.

But race is just one manifestation of the emotion that defined the Palin rollout. That dominant emotion is fear — an abject fear of change. Fear of a demographical revolution that will put whites in the American minority by 2042. Fear of the technological revolution and globalization that have gutted those small towns and factories Palin apotheosized.

And, last but hardly least, fear of illegal immigrants who do the low-paying jobs that Americans don’t want to do and of legal immigrants who do the high-paying jobs that poorly educated Americans are not qualified to do. No less revealing than Palin’s convention invocation of Pegler was the pointed omission of any mention of immigration, once the hottest Republican issue, by either her or McCain. Saying the word would have cued an eruption of immigrant-bashing ugliness, Pegler-style, before a national television audience. That wouldn’t play in the swing states of Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada, where Obama already has a more than 2-to-1 lead among Hispanic voters. (Bush captured roughly 40 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2004.)

Another good read from that liberal NYT:
Dowd: I’ve been in Alaska only a week, but I’m already feeling ever so much smarter about Russia.

I can’t quite see it from my hotel window, but, hey, I know it’s out there somewhere, beyond all the stuffed bears and cruise ships and glaciers and oil derricks.

The proximity of the country from which William Seward bartered to buy Alaska for $7 million — Seward’s icebox — is so illuminating that I suddenly realize that we would commit a grave error by overestimating Russia’s economic strength. After all, it represents only 2.8 percent of the world’s G.D.P., even though its gross domestic product has ballooned from $200 billion in 1999 to $1.7 trillion this year.

But I overanalyze.
McCain is reckless.
The absurdity of Palin
Palin campaigns alone for 18 minutes in Las Vegas. Video. 
Carly liar pants. They all lie in the name of winning an election. Campaign first