Thursday, June 05, 2008

Obama Hillary Ticket Highly Unlikely

today the wall street journal has an article that says hillary would "end" her campaign and "concede" the nomination saturday. today, however, we see that hillary has once again chosen not to do the right thing.

instead, she will "suspend" her campaign and hang on to her superdelegates. this is probably an effort to pressure obama to give her the vice presidency, one step away from what she really wants.

the story goes on to say that obama's aides are saying that hillary on the ticket is highly unlikely for several reasons, including bill, who would have to be vetted and is unwilling to release information about his financial dealings. bill is a big obstacle.

hillary also undermines obama's change message. obama's ideals and leadership style are completely different than hillary's.

here's a question: is the qualification for vice president someone who can help the nominee get elected?

the answer is no. we have to think past getting elected and into the future. a vice president has duties beyond the campaign season. obama has to make his own choice. he has earned that right because we have nominated him. he won. it's his decision and no one elses to make.

if we're going to elect obama we have to trust his judgement. the notion that we have to add hillary as a security blanket to win the election is silly. obama is more than qualified and has shown great judgement and leadership.

obama's campaign has been one that's not based on that fear mentality -- if you don't do this, then this will happen. george bush used that against us and john mccain is partaking in that as well. hillary's supporters are crying John McCain, John McCain, John McCain!

obama hasn't played into that drama. he's actually thinking like an adult, who is running for president. he's methodically choosing a vice president.

i suspect these people who say they would vote for john mccain are in the minority and i say let them vote for john mccain. the reasonable folks have already made the switch to obama, or soon will. obama can capture hillary's supporters on his own merits. the people that really will make a difference in the general election are the swing voters.

if obama wins the general election, he should win on his platform, his choices. not because he was bullied by clinton loyalists, who have been bullying from the get-go. that party is over.

let's say that there really are enough of these disgruntled hillary supporters who will tip the election to john mccain. so be it. we'll suffer four more years and then we'll really be ready for change.

but that's not going to happen because the media and hillary's supporters have underestimated obama and his supporters. obama will win over americans and come november we'll elect him as the next president.

wsj: Mr. Clinton refused during his wife's 17-month presidential campaign to release records of his financial dealings and details of his presidential library's major donors. Even if Mr. Clinton did open his records as part of the traditional vice-presidential vetting process, the unprecedented complications he would pose for an Obama White House as the vice president's spouse go deeper and broader than his personal records, Democrats on both sides say.

A former president's global travels for his humanitarian foundation, speeches here and abroad for which he has received up to a quarter-million dollars, financial deals and everyday utterances could pose "a whole host" of conflicts with the policies of an Obama administration, Democrats say.

Referring to a potential vice-presidential slot for Sen. Clinton, a senior Obama adviser says: "The more this gets vetted the less likely it becomes."

Sen. Clinton would present problems of her own for Sen. Obama, advisers in both camps say: As half of the couple that has dominated in the Democratic Party and Washington for 16 years, she would "completely undermine the Obama message'' of change and new direction in politics, as one Clinton confidant put it.

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