But super lobbyist Charlie Black is probably right. John McCain would benefit if there was a terrorist attack. Given our past history, all rational thought goes out the window, and revenge is first and foremost. That's how we got George Bush-- again. Many Americans likely would view McCain as the guy to go get em, since that's all his campaign is based on. War. War. War. I'm a war hero. War. War. War. I'm tough. War. War. War.
But maybe we've grown as a nation.
Obama is clearly the more brilliant strategist and the better Commander in Chief. Smarts-wise, he'd keep us safe. At least Obama would go after the people who actually hurt us.
Obama is clearly the more brilliant strategist and the better Commander in Chief. Smarts-wise, he'd keep us safe. At least Obama would go after the people who actually hurt us.
Let's hope the republicans aren't as loathsome as to even go down that road.
CNN: Sen. John McCain distanced himself Monday from comments made by a senior campaign adviser suggesting that McCain would stand to benefit politically from a terrorist attack on U.S. soul.
In an interview with Fortune magazine, McCain senior adviser Charlie Black said that the Arizona senator demonstrated his fluency in foreign policy and security matters following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December of last year.
Bhutto’s killing, Black said, was an “unfortunate event.” But, he argued, McCain’s “knowledge and ability to talk about it reemphasized that this is the guy who's ready to be Commander-in-Chief. And it helped us."
Asked if McCain would stand to benefit from a terrorist attack on U.S. soil, Black answered: “Certainly it would be a big advantage to him.”