Friday, April 04, 2008

Hillary Co-Opted Bill's Experience

hillary clinton tried to say that bill clinton's experience was her own and some people fell for it. mostly, though, no one fell for it.

they fell for bill, all over again. many people are voting not for hillary but for bill. that would be the man-set. the women-set, lost in the promise of the first woman president, believe that they're really going to get hillary.

does anyone really think that if hillary divorced bill for his betrayals, that she'd be running for office? heck, that's probably why she stuck with him. the clintons are a team, a status-quo political machine.

RCP: From the very beginning of her solo political career, Hillary Clinton has manifested a consistently low opinion of the intelligence of voters. Sometimes the bet has paid off -- as when she tried to convince New Yorkers that she wanted to become one of them (when, in fact, she would have run in Montana had there been a vacancy). But lately, it hasn't. Her entire decision to predicate her campaign on the basis of her so-called "experience" reflected a belief that she could put one over on us by co-opting Bill's experience and making it her own. So enticed was she by the prospect of attacking Obama for his lack of tenure in federal office that she didn't stop to notice that she didn't have much more than he did and could only make her point by exaggerating her role in her husband's administration. Small matter. She was so confident that she could pull off the deception that she premised her entire campaign on her ability to do so.