Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Clinton Wins Obama Still Leads

after 12 wins in a row for obama, clinton wins the popular vote in ohio and rhode island and maybe texas.
she's like a thorn. i kid. i suppose she deserves to carry on. her supporters have as much sweat and equity in her campaign. let's not turn into "hillary haters." then we'll be behaving just like those unmentionables.
and let's not blame race or karl rove. we knew these could be factors. the obama camp has to rise above. may the best person win (and we know who that is) wink, wink.
back to texas for a moment. even if she wins the popular vote in texas, obama is likely to win the most delegates in texas. it's all about the delegates.
i'm not looking forward to the plumbing that goes along with the kitchen sink and all the rest of the political shenanigans. what's next? obama's name, his race and his authenticity have been attacked. let's hope we can hash out some more of the issues. who is john mccain going to go after? the democrats in general?

in the meantime, let's have some fun with delegate math at slate.com's delegate counter.

if we plug in the percents for obama and clinton and add them to current delegate counts, obama still has a lead. it's uncertain how much of a lead until texas numbers are in.
this story from newsweek says clinton could win 16 straight and still lose.

here is the arcade fire video. the band performed at an obama rally.