Friday, April 06, 2012

FreedomWorks is Defending Birther Marine Who Called Obama the Enemy

Gary Stein who regularly writes anti-Obama scribblings on his Facebook page, is getting tossed from the military with a less than honorable discharge. He should be getting a dishonorable discharge. Stein called Obama the "enemy" and he said he wouldn't follow Obama's orders.
And yet, Dick Armey and the tea party are defending Stein. They're trying to frame it as a free speech issue.
Stein might actually be a bit deranged, considering he's a birther. Birtherism, as you may know,  is a mass delusion of a group of people who believe Obama isn't the president at all because they believe he wasn't born in the US. Birtherism is essentially repackaged racism. Birtherism, which came about in 2008, was a way for racists to oppose the president without acknowledging they are racist. Birthers should be recognized as a full-fledged hate group.

Note that since this video was posted in March, Stein now has 27,357 followers up from 14,469.