Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Gibbs Pokes Fun at Palin During Press Briefing

Sarah Palin needs to be knocked off her pedestal so that she can't get back up. A person so mediocre has no business throwing stones. She needs a lesson in humility.
This is fun:
"I wrote a few things down," Gibbs began, showing reporters that he had some scrawled notes on his left palm - a clear reference to Palin's makeshift cheat-sheet at the National Tea Party Convention last weekend.

"I wrote eggs, milk, bread," Gibbs joked, adding that he crossed out one item and replaced it with "hope" and "change."
I'll post the full video when it's available.
Republicans are threatening not to show up for bipartisan healthcare talks on Feb. 25 if they don't get their way. What a bunch of babies. I'm just shocked at the troll-like behavior of the republicans.
Responding to Republican threats not to attend the Feb. 25 health care meeting, Gibbs says, "I can't imagine a group that wanted to sit down and talk with the president in a bipartisan way would walk away." He says they should come to the table without "preconditions."

"The president is going to take Republicans seriously," Gibbs says.

Asked if the White House monitored the tea party events, Gibbs turns to his palm again and says slowly, "I didn't watch it at all."

But asked what he thinks of the tea party movement, Gibbs calls it "a very successful private enterprise." Politico
Here's the clip.