Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama's Speech to Wall Street at DNC Fundraiser Video

Obama asks Wall Streeters at the DNC fundraiser in NYC to go against their greedy nature. He asks them join in on regulatory reform instead of fighting it.

But we all know greed is a powerful thing and as long as Americans view material goodies, bigger houses and high salaries as success, it will always be the heart of our economy.
The financial industry is still rewarding itself with large bonuses, despite the fact that many can't retire because they lost everything. I'm sure social responsibility on Wall Street is a laughable, quaint notion.
On NPR's Fresh Air yesterday, New York Times writer Andrew Ross Sorkin details the greed. He has a new book called Too Big to Fail. Sorkin talks about what went on behind the scenes of the financial meltdown. He says history will say that our financial system was rescued from the brink.