How much more spoon fed must we be?
There is a site dedicated to the guiding principles of health care reform, aptly named At that site, there it is, all laid out. Kathleen Sebelius gives weekly updates.
There is a site dedicated to the guiding principles of health care reform, aptly named At that site, there it is, all laid out. Kathleen Sebelius gives weekly updates.
At the news site, there is virtually a press release a day and a list of health care speeches by Obama, Sebelius and others.
Nancy DeParle, spearheading legislation, has been all over the media.
Obama gave three town halls last month, one in New Hampshire, one in Grand Junction, one in Bozeman, Montana.
He spoke to the AARP in a town hall for all the scared seniors.
He gave an interview on health care on the Today Show.
He made a statement on health care in June.
He gave yet another health care speech in July.
He spoke to volunteers, answering questions on health care.
He appeared on the Michael Smerconish show and answered health care questions.
In August he had to counter all the media clowns who thought public option was out the window.
The so-called experts say Obama didn't "brand" health care properly. Must everything be sold like it's a product? This isn't some cheap bottle of soda. There is so much information out there it's not even funny. I would suggest to the media, who keep suggesting Obama's not communicating properly, that they stop it already with the wingnuts. Stop filming them. Stop covering them. We're getting a distorted view and the media isn't doing its job of getting factual information to the people.
Maybe Obama needs to do a reality show: Stranded without health care on an island of danger. Maybe that would get Americans to tune in. I suspect that's the real problem. No one wants information. They already believe what they believe and nothing's going to change their minds. Obama could talk until the cows come home and people would still say they don't know enough because they don't care enough to know.
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