Thursday, August 06, 2009

Olympia Snowe on Meeting With Obama

Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins are two republicans I respect because when they criticize they do so without the name calling. They're also the only two that have shown willingness to work with the democrats on a consistent basis. Obama met with six folks on the senate finance committee. Here's what Snowe said:
We’re not talking about government-run health care – we’re talking about ensuring Americans have access to meaningful, high-quality, affordable health coverage – and we are moving heaven and earth to reach that objective. As I mentioned to the President today, unless every American receives better value for their health dollars, we cannot sustain our current health care system. And that’s why we will keep working within this bipartisan, collaborative process Chairman Baucus and Ranking Member Grassley have set the tone for -- and that we will continue over the coming weeks.” Read the whole thing at Politico