Friday, August 07, 2009

Health Care Town Hall Mobs Turn Violent

People ought to be ashamed of themselves. What a bunch of low lifes. Republican leadership needs to be speaking out, taming their people, not inciting violence. But they never spoke out against the racist birthers, so I imagine the violence at these meetings will get worse before it gets better.
Apparently, representative Kathy Castor and other democrats will be holding the next town hall by phone. They ought to just do online town halls.
AFL-CIO to the rescue and White House advice to democrats:
Also Thursday, the AFL-CIO announced plans to mobilize labor activists to attend town hall meetings in 50 congressional districts this month to counter the conservative protesters.

White House aides David Axelrod and Jim Messina traveled to the Capitol for their presentation to Democratic senators. Senators saw videos of disruptions at events held by House members, and were told to organize their events more carefully as well as work with labor unions and other friendly groups to generate enthusiasm.

They also were urged to use these events to stress insurance reforms such as a limit on out-of-pocket expenses for those covered by insurance, a ban on coverage cancellation for the seriously ill and protections for small businesses.

Messina, the deputy White House chief of staff, also said any advertising attack would be met with a bigger response, these officials said. MSNBC