Friday, July 10, 2009

Young Republicans About to Elect a Racist?

Meghan McCain says so:
I woke up this morning in Las Vegas (tonight I’m playing craps and betting on red) with a slew of emails about the likely election of Audra Shay as the new head of the Young Republicans on Saturday. You can probably guess how I feel about a woman who thinks comparing President Obama to a terrorist and referring to blacks as “mad coons” is funny.
The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over again and expecting different results.
The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over again and expecting different results. What exactly do the Young Republicans expect to achieve by electing a 38-year-old woman who thinks racial epithets are acceptable? Also, did I mention that she’s 38? And she’s going to be the leader of an organization with the word “young” in the title? Is it so implausible that people in their twenties (or even early thirties) could join the Republican Party--or have we just completely given up on their vote? Are we expecting “young” people in the Republican Party to soon be entering their forties? Read more at the Daily Beast
Read her response here. I could see how it could've happened. But....

Sad to say, but when I think republican, I think bigot, hypocrite and old fashioned. I know not all republicans are bigots who practice hypocrisy by preaching family values to others while privately doing whatever they like. I know some pretty darned nice upstanding republicans. But their image as a party is not so good. They also seem to be old fashioned. I don't want to say old because it's not an age thing.  They just have old ways of thinking about things. Closed minds. No creative solutions. They don't seem concerned AT ALL about social issues, aside from fighting abortion and gay rights.