Tuesday, April 14, 2009

O'Reilly on the Pirates

Bill O'Reilly and his kind (Rush, Hannity, Beck...) are narrow thinkers. They don't realize bigger problems and solutions. They only see what they see and the only react to what they see. They have small vision and kneejerk responses.
O'Reilly predictably pokes fun at the "loons" on the left who are looking at the bigger problem: Why are there Somali pirates? Realistically and pragmatically, if we can address that question, we can find better solutions. Poverty is often the bigger picture problem, even here in the U.S. No one is saying that excuses criminal activity. They're just looking at the problem from a higher level of thinking, finding the root of the problem. People aren't pirates just to be pirates. People don't cross the border of Mexico just to break the law. 
Everyone is trying to make a living and if they can't, sometimes that leads to criminal action. It's amazing what happens to morality when you're faced with the threat of extinction. But folks on the right like to view these things in the simplistic Us vs. Them, right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, because of small thinking. 
This kind of thinking holds us back from progress.
O'Reilly also calls the right's criticism that Obama is encouraging piracy "absurd." He happens to be right about that.