Monday, April 20, 2009

Napolitano Says the Rightwing Extremist Report Became Politicized

The report is not saying veterans are extremists. The report is saying some returning veterans are being recruited by extremist groups, says Napolitano. Anyone who read the report without a political agenda would've known that.
But the noisy hard right (they're shunning the republican party and I think they're emerging as the tea party) and Newt-type of conservatives are looking for anything to glom onto.
The report should've been issued alongside the leftwing extremist report, which would've helped improve perceptions that the report was out to get conservatives.
The report is now one of those things that few have read but everyone thinks they know what it says. People have been getting their information from rightwing radio. I've seen so much misinformation about the report, including people who actually think that Obama personally issued the report.