Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dennis Blair Says Torture Worked

Once again, I'll say, just because torture works doesn't make it right. It also doesn't mean it's the best method to get information. The point is, it doesn't matter if torture works. HELLO. Ignorant arguments for torture are being presented.
If stealing makes me rich, does that mean I should steal? Come on people. 
The U.S. is not about torture. It is illegal and it is what barbarians do. It sounds like we really have lost our moral bearings.
Obama needs to give another speech specifically on torture.
In an old memo written by Dennis Blair, now Obama's director of national intelligence, Blair says torture works. 
CNN: The Bush-era interrogation techniques that many view as torture may have yielded important information about terrorists, President Obama's national intelligence director said in an internal memo.

"High-value information came from interrogations in which those methods were used and provided a deeper understanding of the al Qaeda organization that was attacking this country," Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair said in a memo to personnel.

The memo, obtained by CNN late Tuesday, was sent around the time the administration released several memos from the previous administration detailing the use of terror interrogation techniques such as waterboarding, which simulates drowning.