Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mr. Mental Recession Slams Obama in WSJ

He's baaack. 

John McCain pretended to cast Phil Gramm aside when Gramm said we're all just going through a mental recession. But Gramm's economic policies are Bush's and McCain's. McCain is pretending to care.

Today, Gramm slams Obama in the WSJ, comparing Obama's economics to the state of the economy in Michigan. Gramm blames unions and completely ignores and discounts the fact that Michigan's woes are largely due to the disappearance of auto manufacturing jobs. Why did that happen? Why didn't U.S. automakers start long ago on alternative fuel engines? Because the U.S. has been in the mighty pursuit of oil at costs, even blood. 

McCain and his camp are deceitful in addition to being sleazy. For the past 7 years, the government has catered to big business. They don't want to see people unionized. Then they'd have to pay folks more money and offer more benefits. I'd argue, when that happens more people can become entrepreneurs. Republicans argue it keeps business from growing. 

Gramm throws out stuff like this without backing it up:
Mr. Obama would spend all the savings from walking out of Iraq to expand the government. Mr. McCain would reserve all the savings from our success in Iraq to shrink the deficit, as part of a credible and internally consistent program to balance the budget by the end of his first term. Mr. Obama's program offers no hope, or even a promise, of ever achieving a balanced budget.
Obama just wants the tax structure to be fair and 95% of Americans would get a tax cut. It's as simple as that.

McCain on economics