Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cindy McCain's Bones Picked Clean

Give me a break. 
Obama has been raked over the coals, basted, roasted, toasted, burned and is still being smeared by wingnuts (even more people believe he's a terrorist Muslim) and she's complaining that The View cohosts asked McCain some tough questions?

What an elitist.

Finally, McCain was confronted with his bold lies. It shouldn't have been The View co-hosts asking the tough questions but the media has been falling down. I have a feeling a deal was cut to go hard on McCain since Elisabeth Hasselbeck channeled her inner Palin and made disparaging remarks about Michelle Obama behind her back, while praising Cindy McCain. Hasselbeck has not apologized.
CNN: "In spite of what you see …in the newspapers, and on shows like The View — I don't know if any of you saw The View yesterday, they picked our bones clean — in spite of what you see, that's not what the American people are saying and what they are believing," said McCain, in a recording obtained by ABC News. "They are now seeing a clear difference with these candidates, and they are seeing who is going to make the best president, and that's why we're pulling ahead.