Saturday, August 16, 2008

ABC's Jake Tapper Defends Jerome Corsi

This is bias at work. 

Jake Tapper is on my anti-Obama biased media list (in my sidebar). It's interesting to read his blog because he always manages to taint the news. 

Today, he manages to defend Corsi. It's almost like he's working out a personal vendetta against Obama and he reaches today. He didn't start out covering the campaign that way. It morphed. Perhaps it draws more readers. Perhaps he was a Hillary supporter.

Reading the comments, it looks like there are many people who don't see Jerome Corsi as a dangerous man

To me, it doesn't seem anyone should be defending a noted bigot. It seems Corsi should be publicly humiliated. Tapper should be as well for validating Corsi. 

I wouldn't even pick up Corsi's book, knowing that the man who wrote it is a bigot and has an agenda. But to defend it, to SEEK a grain of truth within the book, that's despicable. 
A little on Corsi:
Actually, it's a little darker than that. Corsi doesn't just belong to the right's conspiratorial wing, he belongs to its racist, white-supremacist fringe. Over the last couple of years, he's written disparagingly about Muslims, Catholics and Jews, not to mention gays and lesbians. Muslims are "ragheads," the pope is "senile" and tolerates "boy bumping," and Jews ... well, you can imagine. Corsi looked beleaguered but respectable this week when he appeared on CNN's "Larry King Live," but it would be far more instructive if his prospective readers could hear him Sunday, when he's scheduled to appear on "The Political Cesspool," a "pro-white" radio program that endorses the so-called neo-Confederate movement's belief that secession is the right of every American state, promotes the notion that "the United States is a Christian nation" and "opposes all efforts to mix the races of mankind."

Let's see ... Barack Obama's father was ... and his mother was ... hmmm.