Friday, July 11, 2008

Obama Is Good

I found an anti-Obama book on the shelves at my library today. I won't even mention the title but it basically said Obama was bound to be ruled by the left and the author listed a bunch of reasons. I wonder how many people will read it considering that Obama is now seen by all the babbling media as a center man. Anyway, I did something silly. I buried the book.
TNR: 1. America has changed. It was the conservative Samuel Huntington who said it in his latest book, "Who Are We?": America is no longer a Protestant, Anglo-Saxon country, European by tradition and white by vocation, that cannot seriously imagine a black man running for the presidency. George W. Bush's two terms? The swing to the far right the country took after 9/11? The campaigns by those opposing abortion, or the partisans of anti-Darwin creationism? Sure, one could see a marked tendency, a fundamental movement. Or one could also, as in my case, see the shock and desperate mobilization of an America that knows it is dying but is trying nonetheless to delay the moment when it realizes it must surrender.

2. Obama is not a typical African-American. Unlike, say, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or Condoleezza Rice, he does not carry with him the heritage of slavery or the memory of segregation because he was born of a Kenyan father. The difference is enormous, because the mirror he holds up to America is no longer one that reflects those dark times, no longer one of unbearable ancestral culpability. Barack Obama can win because he is the first African-American to take, by the grace of his birth, a step away from the two sides of a deep divide--and the first who may now play the card--not of condemnation or damnation--but of seduction, and--as he says over and over--of reconciliation.

3. He is good. What I mean is that he is not only the most charismatic but also the most gifted politician produced by the Democratic machine in a long time.