Sunday, July 20, 2008

No Obama Gore Ticket

No Al Gore in an Obama administration either. It looks like Gore is really serious about working outside of politics. I don't blame him. He's accomplished a lot outside of the political arena. 
WSJ: Yet Gore also disappointed many attendees here when asked if he would accept a position in an Obama administration. The question prompted cheers from the crowd.

“I am really honored by the suggestion that some have made that I consider taking a position of some kind in the next administration,” Gore said, “I want to convey my respect for the idea even as I explain to you why I don’t think that’s the best idea.”

Gore said his overall goal is “to focus on and try and enlarge the political space in which we address this climate crisis” and “to bring about a sea change in public opinion across party lines.” In other words, he believes he has a better chance of achieving his goals working outside the political arena rather than in it.