Friday, June 06, 2008

Obama Won Young Women Voters Split Middles With Hillary

here's something that hasn't been pointed out.
obama won the vote of most of the younger women and hillary won the over 65 set. they split the middle-aged women, those in their 40s and 50s. why didn't hillary win the women she should have? well, for those of us who looked at the candidate and not the candidate's gender or race, we thought obama was the best candidate.
time: One of the Democratic campaign's great misperceptions has been that Clinton held an overwhelming advantage among women voters. But that isn't the case. As expected, Clinton captured the over-65 vote, and Obama won over younger women. But women in the middle split almost evenly between the two. And while both Senators boasted historic candidacies, Obama's seemed to resonate more deeply, translating into 70%, 80% and even 90% of the black vote in primary contests. No one expected Clinton to sweep 90% of Democratic women voters, but 60% wouldn't have been an unreasonable accomplishment for the first woman to have a serious chance of winning the presidency. Instead, Clinton won just over a majority of women's votes.
So what does that mean? Clinton and her supporters have charged that sexism is responsible for her loss of the nomination. But it seems more likely that women themselves cost her the nod. The reasons more women haven't voted for Clinton tell us something about the evolution of feminism and what the future may hold for female politicians.