Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Media Took Hillary's Bait

hillary is a sly one indeed.
instead of bringing the party together last night, she further drove her wedge and made it all about her. now the question the media is asking: can obama win the election without hillary as vice president?
yes, yes he can.
all the reasonable supporters of hillary will vote for obama. the hardcore supporters, a minority, will sit on the sidelines or vote for mccain. they're not needed.
here's another thing, superdelegates and party leaders need to be out now in full force rallying around obama.

some named as obama vice president frontrunners:

Evan Bayh: What he lacks in charisma, the telegenic Bayh makes up for in national security credentials, having served on both armed services and intelligence committees in the Senate.

Joseph Biden: A six-term senator who helms the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden, could offer the heavyweight foreign policy experience that Obama is often accused of lacking. But at 65 -- and seen as part of the U.S. political furniture -- he could undermine Obama's message of change.

Michael Bloomberg: Since ruling out his own independent bid for presidency, the current mayor of New York has been seen as a potential running mate for both Obama and McCain. For Obama, the media tycoon and former Republican would help mitigate the Democrat's problem with Jewish voters brought on by outlandish rumors that he is a Muslim, but do little to attract the white, working class vote.

Wesley Clark: This former NATO commander, who failed in his bid for the 2004 presidential nomination, was seen as a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter -- a fact that could help unite the party. But the 63-year-old's tough reputation as a no-nonsense soldier is unlikely to win much backing among party activists.

Hillary Clinton: While the "dream ticket" of a Obama-Clinton campaign could help harness Clinton's powerbase of women and white working-class Democrats, the prospect of uniting the two rivals has won mixed support. A non-scientific poll said 60 percent of people were not in favor of the move.

Chris Dodd: A long-serving senator with solid foreign policy credentials who was previously considered as a running mate for John Kerry's failed presidential bid in 2004, Dodd presents the same problems as Biden.

Chuck Hagel: A close friend of fellow Republican John McCain -- Obama's general election rival -- Hagel's strong anti-war in Iraq stance has generated cross-party appeal and though an unlikely choice he could be seen as the man to attract wavering Republican voters.

Ed Rendell: As an outspoken Clinton supporter, a Rendell partnership could rally support for Obama and as governor of swing state Pennsylvania, he could help secure key votes, but his popularity is limited outside Philadelphia.

Bill Richardson: The New Mexico governor, who identifies himself as Hispanic, could help sway the burgeoning Latino vote in addition to lending heavyweight foreign policy credentials as a former United Nations ambassador.