Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hillary To Do Something Today

update: her motorcade, two blocks away. she's late. her people said that the speech would be 20 minutes and that she'd throw her full support behind obama.
we thought she was going to acknowledge obama on tuesday and then, acknowledgement moved to friday and now to today. cnn has it live at 12 noon eastern.

i say acknowledge because i've read different accounts of what she'll do today. for all i know, she might kick off another round of primaries.

what she's not likely to talk about but what she should talk about is the vice presidency. she should tell her supporters that the vice president is a confidant, it's a person who will help lead the country, not just get someone elected.

people seem to be missing that point because they've been personally attached to their candidate. there actually is a job to do AFTER the president takes office, a big job.

everyone, including cnn, has been saying that obama should choose someone who will help him get elected. of course, that will be part of it, a small part. obama can win beat the pants off of john mccain regardless of who his vice president is.

the vice presidency is not a popularity contest -- who came in second. of course, hillary does have a lot of supporters, and it would be great to be able to think of her in the no. 2 spot, but the clintons are really such a power machine.
perhaps obama will choose her to "keep his enemies close." i'd like to see her in another position in obama's administration -- not vice president.
besides endorsing obama, i hope she makes it clear that john mccain is not a suitable option.

in her speech, i'm hoping she'll bow out gracefully and not leave any room for anyone to wonder what she meant. she needs to be crystal clear.