Monday, June 16, 2008

The Difference Between McCain and Bush

John McCain has been loyal to bush, more than the GOP, according to an NPR report this morning. NPR did a nice analysis identifying the differences between Bush and McCain.

There are three:
McCain supports stem cell research funding, McCain believes global warming is real and here's a small one, McCain's tax cuts are deeper than Bush's and a "radical" departure on where McCain used to stand on tax cuts.

NPR played a "Meet the Press" clip in which McCain said that the tax cuts were unfair because they favored the rich. He opposed George Bush. Now he supports the tax cuts for the wealthy and he wants to give them more.

If you support McCain, you would say he evolved and got smarter on tax cuts. If you don't like McCain, you could call him a flip flopper. If you're in the middle class, you'd say he's an idiot.

Obama isn't asking for a tax hike-- on the middle class (under $200K). He supports a redistribution. In simple words, take the decrease in taxes that the wealthy have had under Bush and give them to the the middle class. So effectively, it will be a tax increase for the rich. But the rest of us should know that it's a tax decrease for us.

So, as you see, McCain really is a Bush.
Here you can see a side by side comparison of Obama and McCain's tax policy. 
McCain’s Tax Cuts Fact Check
Obama's Redistribution of Taxes

Obama supports women's right to choose. McCain does not -- his website says he wants to overturn Roe V. Wade. 
McCain supports offshore drilling, gas tax holiday, Obama does not. 
Obama supports tax breaks to the middle class. McCain supports tax breaks to the wealthy (the theory is the money will trickle down. This is a basic difference between dems and reps). 
Obama has a more diplomatic approach to foreign policy. McCain is a militarist. 
Obama believes in free trade -- but with reciprocity, making sure it's a good deal for the U.S.
McCain is traditional on free trade. For those who lose jobs to free trade, he wants to overhaul the unemployment insurance system and use it for retraining. 
Obama supports a transparent, modern government (everything on the Internet). McCain hasn't talked about this and doesn't use the Internet (he said he's learning). 
Obama wants to start a green jobs program, like Kennedy's Apollo program, to free the country of foreign oil in the next 10 years. McCain will probably be starting another war. 
Obama believes in funding education -- he wants to pay teachers more and fund No Child Left Behind.
I don't think McCain has talked about education other than saying he supports vouchers.
Obama wants to create new jobs through rebuilding America's infrastructure--bridges and roads-- and developing alternative energies.
McCain doesn't have a plan for jobs, other than giving tax cuts and breaks to the rich and corporations. Economics is not his expertise (he said so himself).
Obama wants a healthcare program that insures everyone who needs it gets it at an affordable rate. If you already have insurance and you're happy, it wouldn't change.
McCain wants to give families a $5,000 credit for health care.
Obama is known for his cool head. No drama Obama.
McCain is known for making rash decisions and flying off the handle.
Obama is the better leader. He inspires people to take action. Just look at his ground campaign.
McCain is a lead by brute force kind of guy.
Perhaps the biggest difference between Obama and McCain is McCain still thinks of international relations with an old mind.
Obama understands that the U.S. has to build alliances and partnerships to fend off terrorism and other threats.
Here's another fundamental difference: republicans don't believe in government in the first place, even though they've abused it for sure.
Democrats believe government can be helpful.