Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Poll: Obama Strongest Leader

new abc-washington post poll shows obama has a 10 point lead over hillary when those surveyed were asked who they'd like to see run against mccain.
it appears that hillary's smear campaign is backfiring: 54%, up from 40% after new hampshire.

with that bit of news, it will be fun to see obama take on annie oakley and her bitterness tonight in the debate -- 8 pm eastern time!

abc: The poll finds other pronounced problems for Clinton. Among all Americans, 58 percent now say she's not honest and not trustworthy, 16 points higher than in a precampaign poll two years ago. Obama beats her head-to-head on this attribute by a 23-point margin.

The number of Americans who see Clinton unfavorably overall has risen to a record high in ABC/Post polling, 54 percent -- up 14 points since January. Obama's unfavorable score has reached a new high as well, up 9 points, but to a lower 39 percent.