Monday, April 21, 2008

Pennsylvania Fence Sitters

this morning, i heard a few of the fence sitters on NPR, who haven't decided between obama and clinton. to you, i say vote obama.

the policies of obama and clinton have similarities, though there are notable differences, especially in the area of foreign policy and obama has a strong understanding of economics and how everything is interconnected. but the key difference between the two candidates are in character and leadership.

clinton offers old style politics and obama will change the way politics works because he has, so far, the largest number of people behind him. he's offering a participative government, where our voice will be bigger.

hillary doesn't seem inclined to make the fundamental changes that are necessary to get our country back on track and that's because she doesn't think anything is wrong with the system. she's been in it and of it for decades.

i know it all sounds lofty but we need to aim higher because america, grand as it is, is falling apart. the economic divide between the haves and the have-nots is more apparent than ever and our standing in the world has diminished.

so if you're fence sitting, please don't vote on the distractions or the distortions, vote on the issues, character and leadership. obama is head and shoulders above hillary on leadership.

i realize hillary may feel more comfortable because bill is there as a backup but obama will have a fine cabinet. so if you're truly on the fence, why not take a chance and vote for obama.