Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Obama Up in Polls and Money

looks like obama has closed clinton's lead gap in pennsylvania. it went from a clinton 16 point lead to just 6. polls are fickle like people so i don't put my confidence in them. at the very least, they must capture the trend -- that more people are tuning into obama.

and alas, some are beginning to call the race for what it is. OVER.

New Yorker: To anyone tracking delegates, it’s been clear for more than a month that Hillary Clinton’s candidacy is in mortal danger. But as long as she was battling Barack Obama at the polls every week, she could hope to control the narrative of the Democratic race, even if she was losing individual contests. And so her campaign kept sprouting new raisons d’ĂȘtre: the wisdom of superdelegates, the enfranchisement of Florida and Michigan, her supposed ability to carry big states.

No more. We’re now halfway through the six weeks between Mississippi and Pennsylvania, and this long interlude has washed away Clinton’s spin. Now her campaign is not only over. It’s obviously over.